[ale] Recommendations for mail server w/ LDAP?

Mike Harrison cluon at geeklabs.com
Sun Dec 2 02:40:48 EST 2012

Mike Trausch:
> Any recommendations for an IMAP server that:
> (a) doesn't require the use of Maildir or mbox (user mailboxes on
>     this system average about 20 GB and several hundred thousand
>     messages may be stored in a single IMAP folder)?

I'm curious why you don't like Maildir. I'm a little out of date on scale 
email systems, what is now the better way (SQL?)?

> (b) works with LDAP?
> (c) is well-supported by its upstream?

I'm a long time user and supporter of the Courier main server and client 
stacks. I used to use it for ISP scale systems (>10 years ago) and am 
running it on my small personal server (about 100 mailboxes for friends, 
family, mailing lists, a handful of customers, etc... It had (and seems to 
still have) a good working LDAP and MySQL auth module. I've used the MySQL 
one, but not LDAP.


I've had good luck using the whole stack, (Courier SMTP, IMAP, POP, etc.. )
Although it does have it's own quirks (mostly configuration), they are 

I really like how it uses sub-directories for config files that make it 
easy to integrate with control systems. It was designed for pretty large
scale systems. I'm not sure how it compares with other systems, I've been 
using it since about 1999 or 2000.

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