[ale] [OT] Dynamic Form Generation

Tim Watts tim at cliftonfarm.org
Sun Sep 25 21:30:39 EDT 2011

You might want to look at the area of XForms technology:


I briefly explored Chiba ( http://chiba.sourceforge.net/ ) back in '06.
It works in all major browsers and doesn't require any client-side
plugins. It looked promising but that feature of the project was canned
due to timeline. It's free but not a drop-in wysiwyg component. Not that
you couldn't make it one with some effort. The wikipedia article
mentions plenty of other products.

On Sun, 2011-09-25 at 19:19 -0400, D. Marshall Lemcoe Jr. wrote:
> Hello all. Working on a project here, and I am looking for a
> (hopefully free) set of scripts that will let a user generate a custom
> form on the fly.
> Basically, user logs in, and can create a custom form (Google Docs
> style) and the script puts the parameters of that form in a database
> so the public can fill it out later.
> Sorry if the description is poor.
> Thanks in advance,
> David
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