[ale] WooHoo!! PostgreSQL 9.1!

Doug Hall doughalldev at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 10:51:13 EDT 2011

Mike, if you're specifically looking to move a current application
away from ORACLE, then I recommend you look into EnterpriseDB
<http://enterprisedb.com>. This company has taken PostgreSQL and made
it as ORACLE compatible as possible. Their charges are exactly 1/6 of
ORACLE's. You might save yourself a lot of time rewriting code.
EnterpriseDB employs many regular committers to PostgreSQL.

We do not use this company, but I did some research into them a few years back.


On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 7:26 AM, Mike Harrison <cluon at geeklabs.com> wrote:
> The tone of your emails and the features touted by yourselves
> and digging around the PostgreSQL website made me realize
> that it was time to build a basic app, using PostgreSQL
> and march down that road again to see where it goes.
> That road leads away from Oracle. :)

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