[ale] OT - New encryption technology using a piece of paper

Drifter drifter at oppositelock.org
Tue Sep 6 11:30:06 EDT 2011

I'm sorry. I guess I don't have a high enough Geek Quotient.  But I just 
don't get it.
Can't the industry put a halt to brute force attempts at password cracking 
simply by instituting an ever-increasing delay following incorrect 
password input? It shouldn't be necessary to lock folks out after X wrong 
inputs; just increase the delay: 0.1 seconds; 0.2; 0.4;0.8;1.6 . . . . Or 
pick some other increasing variable. One computer may have the ability to 
output a gazillion passwords per second, but if the receiving computer 
won't allow the high speed input, the attempted crack fails.


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