[ale] OT: please trip your posts

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Mon Oct 24 20:35:13 EDT 2011

On Monday 24 October 2011, James Sumners wrote:
> What grinds my axe is the lack of trimming.

Perhaps a weekly summary of good verses evil posters such as practiced by 
some of the (few) surviving usenet newsgroups would help? 


BTW, bottom posting is not correct either, it just more closely resembles 
interspersed posting so bottom is occasionally correct by accident:) The 
problems of switching betwen top and bottom is moot if you snip to one 
single level of quoted text. Unless your debating there is seldom a 
reason to leave more than one level, and if your debating you should be 
posting interspersed in the first place.

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