[ale] Canonical makes Apple look so good...

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 09:36:39 EST 2011

Thanks for the link. I know many ale's have chugged the ubuntu koolaid so
appologies upfront.
Cannonical is desperatly trying to justify their existsnce as a business
entity. RedHat is the 800 pound gorilla in the room of non-microsoft
platforms. RH "fractured" the community with their support of gnome over
kde. They didn't go after kde and try and break it. Cannonical needs a
history lesson in open source projects.
If something doesn't work the way you want it to, use the open source way
then innovate and present a solution path to the community.  It worked for
gnome in the past.
Ubuntu seems to be focused on "improve the user experience for Ubuntu "
often at the expense of the open source community at large. They need to
learn that they are just an offshoot of Debian that has cash for marketing
and they are no where near being in charge.
The patches Ubuntu makes to the user interface only work for Ubuntu builds
and not generically for Debian. They would like to be RedHat but they lack
the vision and sense of community that has driven RedHat and Debian and
Slackware for years. Cannonical is the first non-innovator business to enter
the open source market that has actually managed to gain some traction. They
need to mature a lot and recognize that without the marketing cash they
would only be another rebranding bit player. Ubuntu has always struck me
like the sleazy groups that sell a cd of OpenOffice.org as a product they
make for $25.
Cannonical has not yet earned the privilege and responsibility to sit at the
table with Debian and RedHat and SuSE and Slackware (or even Mandriva,
Gentoo or Knoppix). They have a long way to go to catch up to they likes of
their predecessor distro and arrogance will not accelerate their actual
I personally look forward to their implosion and subsequent decline into
has-been status. It can't happen soon enough soon enough for me and, I also
think, the open source community at large.
On Mar 7, 2011 8:49 AM, "Chuck Payne" <terrorpup at gmail.com> wrote:
> Guys,
> I know may here are Ubuntu Fans, but what Canonical is doing to Gnome
> is really sad. If you really suppose Gnome and their foundation please
> let Canonical know they need rethink their stand.
> Pup
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