[ale] ubuntu create another user and remove old user

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Tue Mar 1 09:00:03 EST 2011

If you just want to change the username, edit the /etc/passwd, 
/etc/shadow, and /etc/sudoers files and rename devpid --> devuser.  This 
will keep the UID the same and all file ownership will be displayed with 
the new username too. On your specific system, there may be other places 
where the old username is used inside configurations too - do a little 
searching and make a backup.

May not be what you want, but it is an option.

As to giving sudo access to different users - did you look at the sudo 
man page?  See also "sudoers"  The man page is pretty good. Check out 
the groups and put any users into a group (either sudo specific or you 
may use the system-based groups). Again, the man pages are really useful.

One of the important risks to using sudo is if you allow unlimited 
access - especially to devs.  Most editors will let you drop to a shell, 
so if you let them have access to 'vi' as root, you've effectively given 
all those users root on the machine. Bad admin.  Service accounts are 
great, but you probably don't want any end users having access to them 
or sharing any accounts on a system. Shared accounts are clearly not a 
"best security practice."

On 02/28/2011 08:15 PM, Narahari 'n' Savitha wrote:
> Friends:
> I have created a user called devpid and it is the only user account in 
> Ubuntu 10.10.
> I selected the autologin option for this user devpid and when I do 
> sudo, the password used for this devpid user works.
> Now I need to create user called just devuser instead of devpid.
> I want to be able to make this new user devuser the only user and 
> removed devpid.  Also I want to give devuser the rights to be sudo.
> How do I do that in Ubuntu ?

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