[ale] Virtualization recommendations

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 14 11:03:33 EDT 2011

IIRC the real-time issues seem to only apply when dealing with actual
POTS hardware.  If you're just doing SIP then it seems to be fine in a
virtual environment.  I've been running asterisk in a VM for well over a
year with very little issue (except that the configuration is b0rked so
right now I only have it set up for outgoing calls -- incoming calls get
forwarded to my mobile from the upstream provider).


JD <jdp at algoloma.com> writes:

> Running Asterisk in a VM requires special consideration to avoid
> real-time timing issues. I think you'll want to do a little research,
> but I've seen presentations about using Proxmox with openvz with success
> at AAUG (Asterisk UG). There were some specific settings to make it work
> acceptably.  Any HVM solution probably has overhead that should be
> avoided.  For running a single instance, this may not matter, but if you
> want to run 3-20 per server, you'll want to read more.
> http://atlaug.com/drupal/
> On 06/09/2011 01:57 PM, Crawford Rainwater wrote:
>> Greg:
>> I would recommend KVM on Ubuntu 10.04LTS.  There is some nice documentation on getting the host system going as well as configuration files in place.  However, I will also warn it is more CLI oriented than GUI unless you use something like virt-manager or similar.
>> The Ubuntu documentation can be found at 
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM
>> which should get you started.  As for FreeNAS and Asterisk, that is another thread for discussion with others. ;-)
>> HTH and FWIW.  Also to note I receive the ALE email list in Digest format, so pardon any delays in responding in advance.
>> --- Crawford
>> The Linux ETC Company
>> 10121 Yates Court
>> Westminster, CO 80031 USA
>> voice:  +1.303.604.2550
>> web:    http://www.linux-etc.com
>> ----- Greg Clifton <gccfof5 at gmail.com> wrote: -----
>>> Along the lines of John Heim's OP, I am also interested in "dipping my
>>> toe"
>>> into virtualization for the first time. I have a Dell SC440 system
>>> with
>>> Core2Duo CPU, so I have hardware virt support. What I would like to do
>>> is
>>> set up a NAS with FreeNAS and a PBXIF Asterisk instances on this
>>> machine. My
>>> question is should I use KVM, ZEN, ProxMox, etc? What is easiest to
>>> set
>>> up/administer? What is most reliable? Recommendations appreciated.
>>> Greg Clifton
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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