[ale] [OT] Laptop Battery Worth It?

Pat Regan thehead at patshead.com
Fri Jul 15 11:56:00 EDT 2011

On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 17:25:51 -0400
David Tomaschik <david at systemoverlord.com> wrote:

> My virtual machines are typically LAMP and/or Tomcat-type
> applications, though I've had opportunity to run some Ruby and Python
> webapps as well.  I'm also trying to set myself up to get a SSCP, so
> there's some information security things going on as well.
> (Pentesting mainly on those VMs -- not generating rainbow tables or
> anything.)  I've also done some playing around with IPv6, DNSSEC, etc.
> Mostly I *think* it's RAM & I/O that's causing me trouble.  I had the
> misfortune of picking poor hard drives (great prices though) and so my
> I/O lacks terribly, even in RAID-1.  (Software RAID-1.)

I wouldn't expect to notice a few virtual machines like those sitting
in the background.  Of course, I'm assuming you're not constantly
actively serving tons of requests all the time on those web servers :)

I'd bet that you're just giving your virtual machines too much RAM and
starving the host, unless of course the virtual machines are just
regularly pounding away at your disk and cpu.


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