[ale] passwords

Cornelis van Dijk cor.angela0 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 13 22:29:12 EST 2011

I have passwords that I can not even remember myself. Sounds funny? It
is done with keyboard patterns. For example, take a word, say
"remember". I go upward one row on the keyboard and take, for example
one key to the left, thus, for "r" that would be "4", continuing, for
"e" that would be "3", for "m" I get "j". In total I get "43j3mg34"
for the word "remember".

I do not (will not) have to remember 43j3mg45, I only have to remember
the base word and the way I constructed the password from it. Drawback
is of course that I actually have to sit in front of a keyboard (or
picture of it) to make the password.

A password for "Paypal" made in this fashion would be "0q60qi"
Suntrust would be "w7h547w5" . Google would be "r99ri", etc.
Of course one can think of other moves, for example, rather than
taking the letter up to the left, one could take the one up to the
right, etc.
Of course not unbreakable, but easy to remember.

On 2/12/11, Michael B. Trausch <mike at trausch.us> wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-02-12 at 13:53 -0600, wes smith wrote:
>> Only problem with lastpass and keepassx is the single password to
>> store all your passwords
> That's not a huge problem as long as the password is long enough to be
> strong input to a key derivation function.  Bonus points for long enough
> and memorable.  Mine employs all the possible character classes that I
> can enter on my phone and sufficiently longer than 20 characters.  :)
> 	--- Mike

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