[ale] Corel / Photopaint was: Creating a website (semi-rant)
William Bagwell
rb211 at tds.net
Tue Dec 13 09:53:56 EST 2011
On Tuesday 13 December 2011, Rich Faulkner wrote:
> Hand coder here. Used to work with a free institutional copy of WsFTP,
> Notepad and CorelXara in the mid-90's. Then moved to CorelDraw8 and
> eventually 10. (Yes, I know it's not FLOSS but Corel did release a
> FLOSS solution!)
> Today I code on gedit and xfer files with gFTP and bareFTP and do use
> GIMP and Inkscape but still cling to my beloved Corel (work much faster
> there...too many years experience). Corel Corporation did have a foray
> into *NIX with their own distro about 10-years ago. CorelLinux was
> Debian based and included a FLOSS version of Photopaint 8. It wasn't
> the most up-to-date version of the software but it was good stuff and
> something I wish I still had my copy of! (Too bad they ditched the
> distro...) I had troubles trying to run it on my hardware and was way
> too young in my IT life to grasp it on my own.
Last time this subject came up I made a trip to my vast storage facility
(AKA 'barn' :-O ) and found my Corel Linux OS second edition.
Will Photopaint even run on modern distros? Debian or perhaps Ubuntu? I'm
on Mandriva here so I know it ain't going to install on my rig. Just
Is it truly open? Photopaint 9 was only in the deluxe version of Corel and
AFAIK not included with the free download, or standard boxed versions.
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