[ale] HOWTO Install Mono C# development tools in Ubuntu 10.04

Ron Frazier atllinuxenthinfo at c3energy.com
Mon Sep 13 11:53:41 EDT 2010

John, thanks for the tips.  I'm going to look into these options.  Thanks 
to all others replying to the thread as well.


At 9/12/2010 09:33 PM -0400, you wrote:
> > For those in the know, can you also do C# in Eclipse?  If so, how does it
> > compare to MonoDevelop?
>The C# plugin for eclipse isn't very good and MonoDevelop is a very
>good IDE, so I would just stick to using it.
>For getting monodevelop/mono to run on windows, they provide an
>installer so there is nothing complicated about getting it running.
>You should also look into getting http://mono-tools.com/ for Visual
>Studio, since most development shops will be using VS if they are
>.NET, its easy to target mono this way and fix things quickly.
>There is also http://www.mono-project.com/MoMA which will tell you how
>easily it will be to port a .NET project to mono (if you try upgrading
>an existing application) since some parts of the base class libraries
>haven't been implemented in mono.

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