[ale] SIP Hacks

Paul Cartwright ale at pcartwright.com
Thu Oct 14 17:07:23 EDT 2010

On Thu October 14 2010, SimonTek wrote:
> Make sure you run it on a regular basis, perhaps including it in a cron
> job. Chkrootkit is a program that scans for root kits.

is chkrootkit any better than rkhunter??
when I run chkrootkit, I get a bunch of these lines: 

Searching for anomalies in shell history files...           nothing found
Checking `asp'...                                           not infected
Checking `bindshell'...                                     warning, got bogus 
unix line.
warning, got bogus unix line.
warning, got bogus unix line.
warning, got bogus unix line.
warning, got bogus unix line.
warning, got bogus unix line.
warning, got bogus unix line.
warning, got bogus unix line.
warning, got bogus unix line.
warning, got bogus unix line.
warning, got bogus unix line. 
Checking `lkm'...                                           chkproc: nothing 
Checking `scalper'...                                       warning, got bogus 
unix line.
not infected

what do all those got bogus unix line mean??
Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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