[ale] [ANNC] ALE SOLSTICE SOCIAL-- 7pm Saturday, Dec. 4th, 2010!

Aaron Ruscetta arxaaron at gmail.com
Sat Nov 27 19:25:47 EST 2010

'Tis the season where our regular Emory Law School venue is
commandeered by students taking finals, thus providing our
group with a great excuse to get out of our "shells" and party!

Announcing the third annual
a family friendly celebration taking place
   7:00pm to 11:00pm
   Saturday, December 4th, 2010

Our event is being hosted by Geoffrey Myers at the
   Chestnut Hill Community Clubhouse
    5184 Lupine Ln NW
   Acworth, GA 30102-6940
   (near the intersection of i75 at i575).

-- This is a BRING YOUR OWN WHATEVER event,
so all contributions of beverages and munchies for
yourself or for the sharing will be most welcome.
Note that the facility has a large gas grill that will
be fired up and available to satisfy the cooking needs
of both carnivores and fans of charred veggies.

-- Also, as a followup to November's ALE Central
presentation on Classic Computing with David
Greelish, the evening will feature an
Party goers are encouraged to bring along the
most obscure and antiquated systems, peripherals
and gadgets they can dig out of their piles of
old school techno-junk for a little "Stump the
Graybeards" show and tell contest of
"What the heck IS that thing, anyway?"
The three owners of the items judged most unique by
the crowd will win a KURO BOX PRO Linux NAS
(or whatever you want) box, courtesy of David Hamm.
(see <http://buffalo.nas-central.org/wiki/KuroBoxPro>)

-- Help with setup at 6pm, cleanup at 11pm, as well
as donations of $5 to $10 toward the $70 venue
rental will all be greatly appreciated.  Please
email Geoffrey Myers <lists at serioustechnology.com>
if you can volunteer in advance to assist with setup
and/or cleanup.

With wishes for a happy Solstice season, we'll hope
to see all you there!

ALE Events Coordinator (etc)

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