[ale] Kuro-Box

Charles Shapiro hooterpincher at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 10:34:54 EST 2010

The Kuro-Boxes from last night come from here (
http://www.kuroutoshikou.com/ ) I think.  At least, the graphics  on
the instruction manual match the graphics on the site (and
"kuroutoshikou.com" is prominently displayed on the box).  That site
is mostly in an Oriental language ( Japanese I think).  They're used
for NAS servers apparently --
I found a wiki in English (
http://buffalo.nas-central.org/index.php/Welcome_to_the_Kurobox_Wiki )
by googling "kuro-box".

Wow, there are a lot of interesting potential uses for this thing.  I
likes the idea of a home surveillance server.  I could spy on my dogs
while I'm at work. The wiki has some neat other ideas (
http://buffalo.nas-central.org/wiki/Getting_started ).

-- CHS

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