[ale] DSL woes

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Tue Mar 30 12:33:45 EDT 2010

I'm having trouble with BS  sorry ATT DSL.  (I know, what's new).  Here 
a few months back one of my apps developed a hearing problem.  It was 
hung from a non standard port and for some reason I could not get to 
that port from the WAN.  I determined the firewall in the router is 
still set up right.  Kinda strange, the non standard ports that I have 
opened all of the time still work however the ones I bring up and down 
don't.  It's like they did a port scan and closed all my unused ports 
for me. 

Anyway they won't talk with me about the problem unless I'm running 
Windows. So I'm going to disconnect everything from the modem except a 
switch and a Win XP box and run something listening to a blocked port so 
I can prove to them it isn't working.  I don't have much hope they will 
do anything about it but I'm going to try.  Can someone suggest an 
application that listens on a non standard port or something that lets 
you config the port on Win XP?  Preferably a free one.


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