[ale] (no subject)

Brandon Checketts brandon at brandonchecketts.com
Fri Mar 26 09:55:15 EDT 2010

I missed and have deleted the original post, so this may be completely
irrelevant, but I spent several hours trying to get dual monitors working with
an nVidia card on Ubuntu 9.10 and learned a lot.  My conclusion was that
basically have two "drivers" that allow you to run two monitors: TwinView or

TwinView is the nVidia implimentation.  It essentially runs two separate
desktops and allows your mouse to move between them.  Each desktop has its own
toolbar. Since the desktops are separate, you can't drag a window from one to
the other.  Compiz desktop effects works with this.

Xinerama is the open source implementation.   It creates one big desktop so you
can drag windows between screens, and you only have a toolbar on just one
screen.  However nvidia+xinerama+compiz doesn't work, so you can't enable the
cool effects.

Hope that is helpful (and correct)

Brandon Checketts

Richard Faulkner wrote:
> Trying to get dual-monitors running...that would make sense.  My 6800
> GS's are dual-head.  Perhaps I should try swapping-out the GPU's for a
> single-head PCI card to see what happens.  (Another project for the
> weekend).
> On Fri, 2010-03-26 at 00:11 -0400, Damon L. Chesser wrote:
>> On Fri, 26 Mar 2010 00:04:58 -0400
>> Brian Pitts <brian at polibyte.com> wrote:
>>> On 03/25/2010 11:34 PM, Rich Faulkner wrote:
>>>> Yeah...I could do that but that's not really the point.  I'm
>>>> ditching the Windows world for Linux and am starting at home.  I'm
>>>> getting ready to start Linux certs and recant from my MCSE way of
>>>> life.  
>>>> At one time I had tried hacking the randr entries but all that did
>>>> was get 1680x1050 listed in the drop-down for resolution selections
>>>> but was not recognized as a valid resolution on selection.  Very
>>>> curious...
>>>> Since I've gotten over that hump and found that a simple config file
>>>> will do the trick I'm looking elsewhere as the culprit that's
>>>> causing this video failure.  NV indicates it as an X issue and in
>>>> looking at the boot sequence I'm driven to suspect it as an X issue
>>>> as well.  But then again I am a noob to Ubuntu as having been away
>>>> from Unix/Linux for 10-years on any consistent basis.  Getting
>>>> ready to start on certs for Linux and turn from the "darkside".
>>> My thought is that if you use the proprietary, binary-only nvidia
>>> driver you're throwing away all the work you did getting a working
>>> xorg.conf with the free, open source nv driver.
>>> Whatever it is that you want to do with the nvidia graphics tools,
>>> perhaps there is another way of doing it that does not depend on
>>> proprietary software.
>>> It might also be worth booting the Ubuntu 10.04 beta live cd, which
>>> replaces the nv driver with the noveau driver, to see how well it
>>> works.
>>> http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1
>> IIRC the OP is trying to get dual monitors working.  
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