[ale] [OT] dsl throughput

krwatson at cc.gatech.edu krwatson at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Mar 11 09:03:51 EST 2010

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of Tim
> Watts
> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 20:54
> To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux!
> Subject: Re: [ale] [OT] dsl throughput
> Thanks for the explanation Keith. And Jeff, for the explanation of the
> explanation.
> Getting ready to finally dump earthstink for nexis. Since ATT provides
> my phone I don't think I'm likely to see a downturn in throughput. But
> if reports are accurate I should see a definite upturn in customer
> service for about the same price.
> The biggest pain is identifying all the people, lists, sites & services
> that occasionally email me and I want to notify (or not). Seems like any
> public email provider ought to provide a 'change of address' service
> like the post office where for 3 months or so they'll forward email to
> you with an offer to notify the sender of the change (or at least a
> reminder to get it done).


If I recall correctly at one time Earthlink provided a mail forward service for your old accounts for $5/month. This would allow you to move and still get email from your old addresses even though you don't have an Earthlink account. Assuming they still provide the service then you could notify people who send you email to the old address and when the number of emails falls to a trickle cancel the forward.



Keith R. Watson                        Georgia Institute of Technology
Systems Support Specialist IV          College of Computing
keith.watson at cc.gatech.edu             801 Atlantic Drive NW
(404) 385-7401                         Atlanta, GA  30332-0280

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