[ale] Evolution Error

Jim Popovitch jimpop at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 20:00:03 EST 2010

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 19:31, Chris Fowler <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com> wrote:
> Jan 14 19:29:09 support sendmail[14697]: o0F0T9qk014697:
> ruleset=check_rcpt, arg1=<nfarl at yahoogroups.com>, relay=[],
> reject=550 5.7.1 <nfarl at yahoogroups.com>... Relaying denied. IP name
> lookup failed []

Looks like PTR lookup failed on the server (it presently fails from
here).   Is that server setup to validate connecting clients?

> Why does it need to lookup my IP address even if I'm authenticated.

Authentication doesn't necessary mean you should still be able to send
any+all email, so some post auth checks are still necessary.

> Why is it happening on some emails and not others?

Inconsistent DNS responses?

-Jim P.

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