[ale] wireless sanity/security check

wolf at wolfhalton.info wolf at wolfhalton.info
Mon Jan 4 17:56:20 EST 2010

About locks

Locks keep out opportunists. 
I was a professional locksmith for 10 years.  
Most of the locks you see (on residences) are worth about 20 seconds to
a minute or two.
If you want to frustrate a thief have your lock changed to a Schlage
and request a key code with the deep cuts toward the bow and shallower
cuts toward the tip.
975642 would be good.  This is harder to pick than luck-of-the-draw
factory choices.
Schlage has more combinations than Kwikset or Kwickset knockoffs (10 per
pin instead of 7)
Longer cylinders are harder to pick.  so a 6 pin lock is harder than the
more-common 5-pin.  
    just like a 6-char password is harder to crack than a 5-char
Most locks are just designed to keep the doors from blowing open when
the wind blows.
But they keep the lock-owners calm.  

There are a few commercial-grade locksets that make Schlage look like a
picnic pick, (pun intended)
but you rarely see them on residences that cost out less than a couple
of Mil$ value.

As far as vpns and so on.  The more disparate passwords 
and other security measures you place in the way of this 
determined attacker, the better.

I have seen a number of good solutions in this thread
Mostly the time required to implement is in the set-up, so it will be 
invisible to your users after they get used to the (possible)
extra password they need to get on the network.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Lynch <ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com>
Reply-to: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux! <ale at ale.org>
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux! <ale at ale.org>
Subject: Re: [ale] wireless sanity/security check
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 15:51:43 -0500

Pat Regan wrote:
> On 01/04/2010 02:30 PM, Brian Pitts wrote:
>> Do you lock your doors at night, or do you think "there are people with
>> tools that can break some locks, so why bother?"
> I have a friend who picks locks as a hobby.  If you saw how fast he can 
> pick a lock you'd wonder how fast a professional could do it :).
> Personally, I wouldn't bother with your locked door (ssh?).  I'd just 
> break a window (some buggy web app? :p).
I live in a wooden house.  I suspect someone with a chainsaw would come 
through about anywhere they wanted to in less time that it takes for me 
to unlock both door locks.  Locks keep out only the lesser determined.  
It's only slightly harder to get through a brick wall.   Concrete blocks 
are a joke.  We're safe only because there isn't anyone out there 
seriously interested in getting to us or there are easier ways of 
getting what they want.

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