[ale] Anyone here who is good with kernel programming?

Ed Cashin ecashin at noserose.net
Fri Feb 12 14:26:33 EST 2010

My intuition is that your problem is best solved in userspace,
but if I'm wrong, there should be a specific reason---something
that you can't do in userspace, like using some drive registers
that are not accessible outside the kernel.

And if you can do it in userspace, rejoice!  It is much more
challenging to program in the kernel than in userland.

The kernelnewbies mailing list is a great place to ask questions
like this, and there are some real experts that frequent that
list from time to time.

When you described the userland strategy of using multiple
pseudoterminals, it sounded like yours might be a job for
expect.  But I'm not really familiar enough with multi-volume
tar archives and wodim to say.

  Ed Cashin <ecashin at noserose.net>

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