[ale] VLM & LUKS

Brian Pitts brian at polibyte.com
Wed Feb 10 02:05:32 EST 2010

On 02/09/2010 03:31 PM, Scott Castaline wrote:
> Basically I created the original volumes when I installed Fedora 12. The 
> process done at the time does not make it very obvious as to what is 
> actually happening. The GUI install part for setting up a custom HDD 
> partition setup  goes through selecting each physical device available. 
> I had 4 500GB hdds, I only setup 3 of them. The 1st hdd has a non-LVM 
> non encrypted /boot ext4 partition of about 300MB. I used the remainder 
> for the 1st VG called ncc1701_01 which is encrypted. I then created 
> several LVs for /, /tmp, /opt, /var, /home, 2 others under /pub and 
> swap01 which is also encrypted within the encrypted VG. Swap01 is 1/2 of 
> my total swap. The 2nd VG, ncc1701_02 is also encrypted contains 2 LVs 
> mounted under /pub/ and swap02 which is also encrypted the same as 
> swap01. The 3rd VG, ncc1701_03, was also encrypted and contained 1 LV 
> that took up the entire VG.

Ah, doing dm_crypt on top of the volume group makes sense. Maybe that's
how mine is set up too? I'd have to poke at it to find out. As you say,
the Fedora installer doesn't make what it's doing very clear.

All the best,
Brian Pitts

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