[ale] passing worksheet in perl

Geoffrey Myers lists at serioustechnology.com
Tue Dec 21 11:27:05 EST 2010

So I have the following in a perl script (spreadsheet):

my $wsException = $wb->add_worksheet('Exception');

This is defined in a subroutine.  I want to call write_row() from 
another subroutine taht is called by this subroutine.  If I do this:


And then:

sub mysub
	my $wsExecp = $_[0];


I get: Can't call method "write_row" on an undefined value

I've tried to send a reference and dereference that, but same error.  I 
don't know if my syntax for dereferencing is wrong or what.


Until later, Geoffrey

"I predict future happiness for America if they can prevent
the government from wasting the labors of the people under
the pretense of taking care of them."
- Thomas Jefferson

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