aaron at pd.org
Thu Aug 19 04:22:38 EDT 2010
On 2010/08/10, at 16:26 , Greg Freemyer wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Aaron Ruscetta
> <arxaaron at gmail.com> wrote:
>> A bonus is that,by law, the election officials must notify you
>> with cause if your provisional ballot is not counted for any reason.
> But this is the age of Obama when the executive branch ignores voting
> laws on a whim.
Ah... yes... the age of Obama...
Which is, of course, about a million times better than the age of Bush,
when tens of thousands of voters in a critical State were denied
their constitutional right to vote based on falsified racist accusations
of criminal convicts through records supplied by a corrupt Texas data
company with ties to brother governor while a manipulating executive
at Faux News overrides the clear will of the (3 million +) majority of
the American people to proclaim his loser frat boy cousin the winner
of a presidential contest on the excuse of a tampered electronic
(Diebold) election system that temporarily subtracted 2,800 votes from
the actual winner so that a daddy stacked Supreme Corruption could
blockade a real counting of the votes and unconstitutionally install a
stuttering, drug addled, spoiled, silver spoon, AWOL, narcicist hitler
as commander in chief so his incompetence in that role could invite
the new Reichstadt fire of September 11 to open the door for his fascist
terrorist party to become the ultimate torturing rapists of United
Constitution while bankrupting every corner of the treasury by ramming
tax cuts down our throats that only benefitted the most gluttonous of
the piggy class elitists from the Wall street casino economy in order to
insure that our children and grandchildren will have to pay the bar tab
(plus interest!) for their greed driven, illegal, oil thieving wars of
and occupation that squandered trillions of our tax dollars in massive,
spiraling deficit profiteering expansions of the U.S. military police
and national death machine industries.
> http://foxcorpnews.com/politics/2010/07/28/
> exclusive-doj-stalls-voter-registration-law-military/
BTW, it should be clear to anyone with even half a lick of common
sense that Faux News, as the primary fabricator, corporape
sponsor and tin foil hat supplier of the whining cry baby teabagger
movement, is nothing but the official christiaNazi propaganda ministry
of the fascist body of the repub-lie-con party. Anyone suggesting that
any of their rabid "Fraud and Bias" hate mongering and their tornado
twisting spin of the truth has any remote connection to reality shows
a massive, pathetic level of delusion that can only be pitied. (If the
foamy mouthed Fox mob drones weren't quite so virulently violent,
then they would simply be laughable).
> Anyway, if Gail Buckner makes it to thru remind us just before Nov. to
> consider her again. I normally vote republican, but getting rid of
> the current zero-evidence voting machines is a big issue.
Well, unfortunately, the Diebold machines say Gail and Angela didn't
and I'm afraid the democratic candidate whom they gave the most votes to
is little more than a racial prop of the People's Agenda. Her sole
in running seems to be a grab at the gold ring of being the first
"woman of
color" to hold the office. (Of course, our vocal paper evidence
Angela Moore was in the contest and is clearly a "woman of color" as
but according to the racist comments of People's Agenda director Joseph
Lowery, she wasn't the "black" one.) I don't think Sinkfield cares
the voting rights of her people or anyone else in our country since she
was the only big D primary candidate that NEVER spoke about restoring
election integrity to Georgia at all (which would make her a real
darling of Diebold crowd...)
So I've spoken with the Libertarian candidate and am weighing how
much he is deserving of support. He understands the need for paper
evidence, but if he only goes half way to implementing the physical
document as the ballot of record OR he ends up leaving the systems
and software in the monopoly control of piratizing corporate leeches
(as a Libertarian might be inclined to do), then having him in the SoS
office won't make any real difference. On the other hand, he's now
the only Secretary of State candidate that we fans of democracy can
even remotely consider voting for.
In any case, winning as a third party against the duopoly corporate
coffers is a huge challenge, and having to now play against this race
card is going to make that challenge doubly difficult. I'll need to
see some real passion for principle and a willingness to consider
creative campaign strategies before I can commit support to the effort.
However, if our Libertarian friend David Chastain made it into a
runoff, the contest could get real interesting...
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