[ale] geezer notice with meeting idea

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 10:20:57 EDT 2010

Having participated in the "strut your geek cred stuff by showing off the
dusty crap you used, or worse, still have" discussion, it occurred to me why
the typical age of attendance at ALE meetings is rarely including those who
cut their computer teeth on Win98.

We are a bunch of crusty ol' farts and some of us have truly horrible
pack-rat tendencies!

Maybe we should have a meeting that is a show-n-tell session of old gear
that we can still _make_work_. Antiquated technologies demonstration. Maybe
even some ancient Linux on floppy installs that can be done onto that old
386 you know you still have.

I'm sure Aaron has an amiga (or twelve) he could demo. :-)

Hmm. What is the oldest rig we can scrounge, slap Linux on it and add as
many externals as possible and make it all work. Dual monitor i386SX with
ata & scsi and floppy with network card, modem, scanner, ham rig, printer,
sound card, etc...

James P. Kinney III
Actively in pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness
Doing pretty well on all 3 pursuits
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