[ale] Rebooting remotely without a usable /

Michael B. Trausch mbt at zest.trausch.us
Mon Sep 21 12:06:02 EDT 2009

On Mon, 2009-09-21 at 11:31 -0400, Matt Rideout wrote:
> That's the key. Thanks!

You're welcome.  Happy to share a light-bulb moment.  I was actually
doing something *completely* unrelated and reading the output of df on
one of my systems when I went "hey, /dev and /dev/shm have 2.8 GB of
free space, and almost none of it is used, and those are RAM
filesystems..." so I tried putting the force-reboot program there and
seeing if it worked.  :)

	--- Mike

Blog:  http://mike.trausch.us/blog/
Misc. Software:  http://mike.trausch.us/software/

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high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving
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