[ale] using ipod touch or iphone with linux

Michael Hirsch mdhirsch at gmail.com
Fri May 29 17:27:04 EDT 2009

My daughter is starting to lust for an iPod Touch, and she has the Bat
Mitzvah money to make her dream come true, but I'm hesitant partly
because I don't have a Mac or Windows machine to talk with it.  Does
anyone on the list have experience with Linux and iPod Touch (or

I do know that I'll have to jailbreak the iPod, and I can probably use
my work laptop or a friend's mac for that, but after that, how well
does it work with Linux?  Specifically:
 1. I believe that amarok should work with the iPod pretty well for
uploading songs.  right?
 2. How does she install apps without itunes?
 3. Is she going to have to re-joilbreak the iPod every time new
firmware is released?

I'm sure I've missed some issues.

All suggestions welcome.


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