[ale] [OFF TOPIC] (You've been warned) TSA wants your fingerprints

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Fri May 29 06:53:53 EDT 2009

On Thu, 28 May 2009, Sean wrote:

> I'm guessing nearly everyone here has seen the Slashdot
> aritcle pointing out that the TSA will in June begin insisting on
> fingerprinting all U.S. citizens leaving Hartsfield Airport for
> destinations abroad.

While I'll still complain, it's mostly from the waste of money point of 
view. They have my prints from the military, from some FBI background 
checks, from my weapons permit.. from cashing checks at the origin bank,
from... from..

What scares me is the governments ability to manage all of that data
and keep it correlated properly. The local/state government can't even 
keep my car tags straight.. and then there is the IRS and their imaginary 
number generating system.. and.. and..

I have no faith that they can reliably and safely USE those fingerprints.

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