[ale] I need a machine that'll run [MS] XP stuff because of repair software unavailable in other formats, what are my choices, if any, other than MS XP ?

Robert Reese~ ale at sixit.com
Sat May 23 22:47:24 EDT 2009

Hi Courtney,

Vista.   ::running, ducking, and grinning::

You don't specify anything about the application other than it is repair 
software and requires Windows.  That means we cannot give you alternatives such 
as Windows 2000 Pro (IMO, the only decent version of Windows ever released) or 
even the forthcoming Windows 7.

You might even be able to run in under WINE.

What I do know is you would be well-served with a virtual machine with the most 
likely candidates being either VMWare Workstation for Linux or VirtualBox.

FYI, VirtualBox is not free for business, but for the life of me I never did 
figure out how to pay Sun Microsystems for it or even how much to make out the 

And FWIW, I like VMWare Workstation better than VirtualBox.

Obviously, YMMV.


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