[ale] dban??

Greg Freemyer greg.freemyer at gmail.com
Wed May 20 12:47:19 EDT 2009

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Jim Kinney <jim.kinney at gmail.com> wrote:
> dban is more than sufficient for nearly everything but 3 letter
> government orgs and really, REALLY paranoid people.
> A simple dd if=/dev/zero of=<drive> is sufficient for 99% of everything.

In my educated opinion, dban or dd is good enough even when
considering 3 letter agency guys.

NIST officially says a single pass against confidential data is
sufficient if the drive is 20GB or larger.  Older / smaller drives are
less dense and they still require multiple passes for that.

If NIST knew that 3 letter agencies could get around a single pass
wipe, then they would not have that official position IMHO.

Greg Freemyer
Head of EDD Tape Extraction and Processing team
Litigation Triage Solutions Specialist
First 99 Days Litigation White Paper -

The Norcross Group
The Intersection of Evidence & Technology

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