[ale] IBM to buy SUN?

Jim Popovitch jimpop at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 20:10:37 EDT 2009

2009/3/18 Jonathan Rickman <jrickman at gmail.com>:
> My gut feeling on this one is that if you are a fan of Sun's products, you
> are not going to like the result of this deal...because they will cease to
> exist as distinct product lines and be merged into the overall IBM portfolio,
> which in turn means you better hang onto your wallet!

Not to start a back-n-forth... but IBM, in the past 3 years, has
acquired a lot of companies' who's customers are very Sun friendly....
so whilst legacy IBM customers may be scratching their heads, recent
and current ones might actually be behind this move.  It certainly
could be a win-win for a lot of present-day IBM customers I know of,
of course it could also go the other way and piss everybody off. ;-)
Time will tell.

-Jim P.

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