[ale] Why no hackable GPS

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Tue Mar 17 14:06:07 EDT 2009

Ned Williams wrote:
> Android does not store maps, it references google maps for map info.
> One should note the g1 is not the only android platform at this point. 
> Both the openmoko and zzzphone handsets both can and in the case of 
> the zzz ship with android. Both of course have gps chipset.
I do not buy into the idea that the G3 network should be used by people 
that need directions and maps to the local Wal-Mart.  I hate the fact 
that on my Verizon phone that directions require a constant connection 
to the network.   Could you imagine some idiot not knowing this programs 
his phone to give him directions to  Disney from Atlanta.  For 8 hours 
constant G3 usage.  If you can even get G3 on that route!

IMO, the Garmin type devices are perfect for what they were created 
for.  All they require is a LOS to some GPS antennas in orbit.  They 
have all the data on some flash.   What really needs to be focused on is 
an open format for this data so that people that want to offer this data 
for free can.  Now Garmin is competing on their updates.  You can pay 
$69 for theirs or download OpenStreetMap for free. 

> Ned
>     On Mar 17, 2009 12:10 AM, "Brian Pitts" <brian at polibyte.com
>     <mailto:brian at polibyte.com>> wrote:
>     Christopher Fowler wrote: > > Does anyone realize what is required
>     to do map updates? > > http://...
>     I would much rather start with the freely available street maps
>     [0] and
>     participate in a community effort to update them [1]. Compared to
>     StreetAtlas, the community isn't doing too bad.
>     [0] http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger/
>     [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenStreetMap
>     [2]
>     http://blog.fortiusone.com/2008/12/12/openstreetmap-vs-googleteleatlas-street-coverage/
>     --
>     All the best,
>     Brian Pitts
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