[ale] PDF editor

Scott Castaline hscast at charter.net
Fri Mar 13 19:43:23 EDT 2009

Greg Freemyer wrote:
> Reviving a very old thread, but what's 3 years to some of the old
> timers on this list!
> Anyway, I would like to have a pdf editor.
> I just tried kword and as Tim said 3 years ago it loses a lot of formating.
> Anyone know of any new options in the last 3 years.
> FYI: I tried OO which I thought would now edit pdfs, but I don't see a
> way to do it.
> Greg
> On Wed, Feb 1, 2006 at 1:23 PM, Tim Watts <timtw at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Wow. This ought to fill that hole :-)  But alas, while KWord does import pdfs,
>> much of the formatting gets lost. I'll try some of the other suggestions.
>> Thanks Keith!
>> On Wednesday 01 February 2006 10:26, Watson, Keith R wrote:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of
>>> Brian
>>>> MacLeod
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 16:02
>>>> To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
>>>> Subject: Re: [ale] PDF editor
>>>>     > You have hot on a big hole in Linux system: PDF editing.
>>>>     >
>>>>     > That is still the realm of Adobe software only.
>>>>     >
>>>>     > There are a few windows products that will take a pdf and
>>> convert
>>>> it
>>>>     to
>>>>     > a word doc for editing. I have not tested any of those under
>>> wine
>>>> (or
>>>>     > windows, for that matter).
>>>> If this only on occasion:
>>>> pdf2ps
>>>> Edit with GIMP
>>>> ps2pdf
>>>> ...might be workable.
>>>> But since most PDFs people would wish to edit contain text and
>>> formatting,
>>>> it probably isn't what your are looking for, despite being free...
>>>> bnm
>>> KWord may import PDFs directly
>>> >From the FAQ
>>> "Please note that in KOffice 1.4, it is recommended to save as RTF (Rich
>>> Text Format) to exchange with MS-Word. (PDF can be a good file format
>>> too for importing into KWord.)"
>>> http://www.koffice.org/faq/
>>> Scribus imports PDFs so it might be able to edit them
>>> http://docs.scribus.net/
>>> This site talks about PDFs on Linux including editing them
>>> http://www.marcprior.de/linux/misc/pdf.html
>>> Here's another interesting way to do it on Linux
>>> http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=05/01/06/0612209&tid=49&tid
>>> =47
>>> There's an O'Reilly book on hacking PDFs. There's and entry in the TOC
>>> for editing PDFs for Free. Your local library may have a copy.
>>> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pdfhks/
>>> Pdftk - the GPL pdf tool kit and it runs on Linux but it only allows
>>> limited editing.
>>> http://www.accesspdf.com/pdftk/index.html
>>> This site is all about PDF hacking
>>> http://www.accesspdf.com/index.php
>>> This is a rather brute force way of doing it
>>> http://alan.aspuru.com/archives/2005/12/26/how-to-edit-a-pdf-file-in-lin
>>> ux/
>>> Here's a free on but it runs under windows
>>> http://www.pdf995.com/
>>> This is an interesting way to do it on Linux
>>> http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2004/11/msg01995.html
>>> happy editing,
>>> keith
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