[ale] mass email for school and school web site

Richard Bronosky Richard at Bronosky.com
Tue Jun 2 11:32:37 EDT 2009

You don't mention the grade level of the school, but to me it sounds
like a great professional driven student project. (I can tell you that
the school newspapers aren't really going to benefit many children.)

Regardless hosting everything onsite is probably the way to go.
Schools tend to have pretty good internet connections.

I would strongly suggest the server be set up with Xen (or OpenVZ) on
top of LVM. You can backup/clone/upgrade/replace entire VMs if the
students botch anything.

On 6/2/09, dhhoward at comcast.net <dhhoward at comcast.net> wrote:
> My daughter's school wants to send 700+ (up to 1000) email blasts to parents
> (school newsletter, etc.), and we may be looking at a new web site (and
> could integrate the email blasts into the web site, or just blast summaries
> and put the whole thing on the web site, e.g.). They've used Constant
> Contact, and another school uses Pommo . Any suggestions? I personally don't
> want to manage a server and would worry that Comcast might block it from my
> home, e.g.
> Also, if anyone has done school web site development and would like to do
> some consulting with us, let me know off line. Thanks to the work of my
> colleague William Fragakis, my gold standard is the Morris Brandon web site.
> Best, Daniel

Sent from my mobile device

.!# RichardBronosky #!.

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