[ale] using ipod touch or iphone with linux (yeah, OSeX!)

Paul Cartwright ale at pcartwright.com
Mon Jun 1 16:21:06 EDT 2009

On Mon June 1 2009, James Taylor wrote:
> Well there is SLED (SUSE LInux Enterprise Desktop).
> I don't use it, because in need all the stuff in openSUSE and I kind of
> know what to do with it, but SLED is pretty much out of the box functional
> for anything a noobie user would ever need to do.
> http://www.novell.com/products/desktop/

the latest linux Pro magazine has the 32/64 bit SLED 11 on DVD..
I just installed it in a VM. I haven't played with SUSE since 10.1 I used SUSE 
for a while, from 9.1 to 10.1. Now I use Debian, and I switched from KDE to 
gnome, but I still use kontact:)

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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