[ale] Ubuntu help

Preston Boyington preston.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 11:43:58 EST 2009

Joshua Kite wrote:
> In short, while it seems that changing sources.list and using apt-get upgrade SHOULD work,
> chances are it will break your system when making major jump-shifts in distrobutions.
> Josh

well, i would think that large jumps in most any distro would be taxing.
 i wouldn't want to go from Slackware 3.5 to 8 or 10 (or whatever the
current is).

it took me a while to convert to using Aptitude instead of Synaptic or
Apt for my package management, but now i am a believer.  Apt doesn't do
the dependency checking like Aptitude, and that has kept my computers
running smoothly for quite a while.

to satisfy my masochistic side i took an old Debian "Woody" system and
upped it to "Testing".  i did wring my hands a few times and it took
several shots to calm my nerves, but overall it was more time consuming
than horrific.

also, i didn't do it all at once (Debian doesn't support upgrades that
skip intermediate releases), but have thought about setting up a VM to
see what would happen if i did.  :)

*disclaimer* doing a shot every time your package manager successfully
helps you clear a hurdle is NOT recommended.

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