[ale] Ubuntu help

Joshua Kite jwkite at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 21:42:55 EST 2009

Hi fellow Alers,

I know I could look this up on the forums, but the honest truth is that I'm
not even sure how to google it.

I have a machine that had Ubuntu Feisty on it.  I needed to add some
packages when I realized the shortcomings of not keeping a distro current;
the Feisty packages have been archived because it is no longer supported.
Long story short, I ultimately ended up changing the sources.list file to
point to Hardy and managed to mostly get the box upgraded.  However, I
continually had issues apt installing linux-generic and other kernel-related
packages.  I had run in to dependency hell.

Using Synaptic I noticed that I had both some 2.2 (I believe) and some 2.6
packages installed.  I figured the 2.2 packages weren't needed any longer,
so I uninstalled them via synaptic and rebooted.  Grub came up and pointed
me to several kernel options, all of them 2.2 and none of them 2.6.  Since I
uninstalled the 2.2 kernels, my machine can no longer boot.

I can boot via livecd.  Does anyone have a suggestion on how to go about
installing a bootable kernel?  I would rather not rebuild this machine, as I
have some specific configurations that I do not wish to lose.

Thank you much,

Josh Kite
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