[ale] Virtualization

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 08:30:16 EST 2009

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Geoffrey <lists at serioustechnology.com> wrote:

> Clustered hardware with virtual on top.  I've got a client who has 8
> clustered boxes with 10+ virtuals on top of that.  One box fails, no
> problem.

Virtualizing software takes a dump....

I may have the reputation as "the over engineer" but I am moving
towards find a simpler solution for more problems.

App needs hardware to run on. App is very lightly used but important.
1. Can it be folded into an existing process?
2. Can a very low cost physical machine run it?
3. Can that app be eliminated with training or better tools elsewhere?
4. Can that app be run on an auto-suspend, wake-on-lan low-end machine?

In my mind, the development of virtualization products reveals we have
built systems far larger than we really need and are now looking for
ways to justify another technology expense.

The other thing I am looking at is a redefinition of just what is
"Mission Critical". Does my customer really _need_ sub-quarter-second
response time on their website? That level of responsiveness cost
_REAL_BIG_RESOURCES_, cash, hardware, power, bandwidth, cooling. That
"paperless office" is a real resource hog.

James P. Kinney III

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