[ale] mandriva powerpack 2009

Paul Cartwright ale at pcartwright.com
Thu Feb 5 13:12:26 EST 2009

On Thu February 5 2009, Geoffrey wrote:
> I've just dropped the cash to get a year subscription to Mandriva
> powerpack.  Installed it on a secondary laptop and I must say, it is
> quite impressive.  I replaced an existing Fedora 9 and there's no
> looking back.  Clean install, recognized all my hardware, including my
> 3com pcmcia wireless card.

jeez, and I just installed Fedora 10 yesterday.. on my laptop.

> Definitely bears a look or second look by anyone looking for a different
> distro, particularily if you're on an rpm based distro.
so why is it better than Fedora?

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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