[ale] [OT] Psychology of Denial about Climate Change

John G. Heim jheim at math.wisc.edu
Mon Dec 14 12:16:58 EST 2009

From: "Doug McNash" <dmcnash at charter.net>
To: "Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux!" <ale at ale.org>
> What is the "ideal global temperature"?
> (peer reviewed, of course)

This one is easy... The ideal temperature is what we're used to. Whatever 
you believe about global warming, there should be no debate over whether 
*if* it occurs, it would be devastating. The population of the planet is 
dependent upon our current agricultural systems. The 300 million people in 
the United States can't just move north if the climate of the United States 
can no longer supoort that population. Then think of India and China. And, 
of course, there are the people living on islands that will be under water 
if the ice caps melt.

No, the ideal temp is fairly easy to determine. You might argue that the 
human race is stupid for living on the edge of disaster like that where such 
a small change could reak havoc with our lives but, well, wh'd ya gonna do?

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