[ale] Xen / Virtualization and minimal Linux guest installations

scott scott at sboss.net
Fri Dec 4 13:10:14 EST 2009

this doesnt answer your question but it is my 2 cents on the (or related) subject.

I run VMWare Server on top of Ubuntu server for my virtualization strategy (or at least for now I do).  In my VM's I put a basic install of Ubuntu server + SSH Server package.  Then once the server is built and up and running, I add dselect (just a nice cli front end to apt-get) and then only add the packages I need for that server.  Now is there extra stuff I truly dont need?  yes.  but not by a lot.  It is a fairly light install.  Could you go in an remove those extra/unneeded packages?  sure.

just my 2 cents.

On Dec 4, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Ty Connell wrote:

> Greetings,
> I'm wading into the Xen waters, and I'm interested in testing lightweight / small footprint Linux guest distros.  Kind of what I'm looking for is:
> 1.  A distro that supports a gui or menu driven installation to the guest "space" (forgive my terminology).
> 2.  Installs only what's necessary for booting and networking, and
> 3.  Supports some kind of package manager installation.
> I don't really want to get into the loop of download source, compile, and configure.  Something that works is OK.  For example, I'd like to setup a guest OS that has nothing but linux, and the stuff to run postfix.  Another guest would run nothing but DNS.  Similarly for Apache.
> Test box is older hardware thus limiting what I can do with it.  
> I know there are a number of small footprint projects out there - looking for some advice on culling that herd.
> Regards,
> -ty
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