[ale] [OT] Wireless Router Troubles

Tim Watts timtw at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 25 15:16:07 EDT 2009

Have you tried letting the little feller work in a nice cool basement or 
closet? I can see where heat could shorten the useful life of a device like 

On Tuesday 25 August 2009 1:48:46 pm John Temple wrote:
> I have a Linksys WRT54G v4 with Firmware 4.21.1 For some reason I can't
> establish a wireless connection. I have switched it back-n-forth from Open
> to WEP. It was open for the longest time and worked without a problem
> (several years). I came home from a weeklong trip and it was dead. I tried
> switching to WEP and it worked for a day but it is out again. I just
> updated the firmware from 4.20.6 to see if that would resolve my problem.
> After the firmware update I was able to make a connection with it set to
> open. I turned WEP back on and the wireless connection on my EEE PC just
> sits at Pending... For now I have it set back to Open but I am not sure how
> long it will last.
> My concern is that the heat from the attic where the router, switches,
> modem and UPS are located has finally gotten the best of the wireless side
> of the router. Wired works fine.
> Anyone have any suggestion on fixing the little bugger or on a new router?
> On a new router I would like a decent range, I am nice and my
> brother-in-law across the street likes to borrow the internet.
> Please help my Tivo boxes are wirelessly connected to my network and need
> to get the programming guide updates. :)
> As for security, right now it isn't that big of a concern, I live so far
> out in the sticks most of my neighbors are just discovering indoor
> plumbing. I did find one person show up awhile back but I just locked out
> their MAC address.

Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes.
 -- Confucius

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