[ale] Media Server Suggestions

Chuck Payne terrorpup at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 16:27:59 EDT 2009

On 8/5/09, John Temple <cjtemple at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am looking to put together a Media Server for Music, Videos, and Pictures
> and I am looking for suggestions. I would really like it to be able to
> stream the music and videos with on the fly trans-coding when needed. And
> for it to keep try of videos that I have seen and which ones are new.
> As of right now I have the following in mind:
> Modeled after vcd-DB using CentOS, PHP, MySQL
> I have a Intel Pentium D with 2GB RAM and 3x 1TB drives.

For music I been using

ampache and Jinzora,

I think of the two jinzora will meet your needs....

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