[ale] Sharing Calendar - How?

Kenneth Ratliff lists at noctum.net
Mon Apr 20 23:31:50 EDT 2009

Hash: SHA1

On Apr 20, 2009, at 7:03 PM, Richard Bronosky wrote:

> It likely that you haven't gotten the help you need because you have
> multi-faceted 'where do we start' problem. One thing that might work
> as a fix it all is using Google Apps for Groups. Aside from that I'd
> suggest that you setup a web server that can host ical calenders.
> (There are many apache based solutions, WebDav, PHP, etc.). Have
> Evolution publish to and subscribe form there.

This is somewhat close to the solution I use to have 2 way sync  
between iCal and my BlackBerry.

Google Calendar allows access via a CalDav client. iCal can act as a  
client for CalDav. So I subscribe to my Google calendar in iCal, and I  
can make updates in either location and they're reflected on the other.

I use a BlackBerry, and Google kindly supplies an app that syncs  
Google Calendar to the BlackBerry's calendar. So now I can make a  
change to my calendar on my BlackBerry, the google app pushes it to  
Google Calendar, and then Google Calendar will push it down to iCal.  
And vice versa.

The problem is that the methods of storing and syncing calendars,  
contacts, task lists, etc is far from standardized among the range of  
products which offer them. It's like two people playing Rock, Paper,  
Scissors, except that the second person is actually playing Rock,  
Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.

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