[ale] Linux apparently illegal in MA

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 07:46:35 EDT 2009

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Robert Reese~ <ale at sixit.com> wrote:

> OTOH, you are right that not every Constitutionally guaranteed right exists on
> private property or in other private situations.  A prime example is that no one
> has the 1st Amendment right on my private property.

It would make for a more interesting world if the freedoms set down in
the Constitution were backed by something similar to the GPL. My
rights exist and no one has the right to lessen them. I have a
responsibility to ensure that the rights I have are both passed to and
protected for all those who cross my little chunk of dirt.

It seems to me as things are now with the rights in the Constitution
have the ability to be switched off at will by some citizens
(employers in particular.) that perhaps they are not really rights but
merely privileges.

Maybe if more people, teachers and congress-critters especially, had a
real gut-level understanding of the social and philosophical
implications of the GPL we could have a better society that doesn't
have as much potential for a small percentage of often thuggish people
to abuse the extra powers they receive in exchange for a tremendous

James P. Kinney III
Actively in pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness

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