[ale] Linux apparently illegal in MA

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Sat Apr 18 16:29:40 EDT 2009

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 2:09 AM, Robert Reese~ <ale at sixit.com> wrote:

> Not for the constitutional violations but for taxes?  I don't disagree we need
> to wipe out the current tax structure (and IRS) and go with a Fair Tax solution,
> but I do see the spirited relentless attacks on Constitutional liberties by
> Boston and Massachusetts to be enough reason for another Tea Party.

Fair Tax == Military Intelligence
They are both mutually exclusive

Please note that the Declaration of Independence contained originally
28 charges included in Thomas Jefferson's original draft.
Unrepresented taxation was only one. The other 27 charges were far
more serious in the impact on society that the tax situation.

I'm with Brian Pitts on this. The OP was pointing out the serious lack
of practical knowledge, experience and education afforded to those
legally authorized kill people without much cause. That these
offending public servants have been embroiled in similar instances of
punitive ignorance suggests that ignorance is most likely entrenched
in the management structure and thus will be nearly impossible to

As most (if not all) ALE members _are_ the embodiment of the technical
elite, we have a moral and fiduciary responsibility to work to
overcome the entrenched ignorance especially of those in positions of
physical power or decision-making stature. As has been strongly worded
by many others in this thread, the actions that the ignorant
constituted as justification for the cessation of the accused liberty
are all actions we of ALE do on a daily basis. As such it is also in
our financial interest to provide a modicum of public training to
prevent further transgressions of this type.

James P. Kinney III

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