[ale] Noscript found a couple of scripts I didn't write.

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Wed Apr 15 13:22:28 EDT 2009

> I did a search of my code and I find no references to them.  By what
> magic did they get involved in my site?

Via an advert/embed or your site has been "owned".

It looks like 'imaclk.com' is involved in semi-legit or legit adverts
and behavior tracking.

Welcome to XSS. Cross Site Scripting. ;)

I'd clear browser cache/cookies/etc..

start: sniffit -s @
in an empty directory, go surf the site again
and then examine your sniff files...

  grep imiclk.com *

Note that you may not find it, it could be by IP address,
or obfuscated in the code. I've seen a lot of big weird strings
and a decrypt and execute command.

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