[ale] Fwd: Reminder: dorkbot-atl tomorrow, April 8, 7:30pm at Wonderroot
aaron at pd.org
Tue Apr 7 13:56:07 EDT 2009
I attended one of the weekly organizing meetings of the
Freeside Hackerspace group on 3/30. Basic premise is
buying membership ($80/mo) to access a group supported
work space where everyone shares tools, storage and a
pool of recycled components, all obtained and organized
with the hardware, firmware and software hacker in mind.
The model of shared resource utilization can provide
members access to a variety of tools and parts that they
might not otherwise have, while the community space
invites the exchange of ideas for problem solving.
The group seems to have some good organizers and their
structure evolving, so this could be a good way to be
a more active hacker. Like a gym membership, if
you use it regularly it's a good deal.
The group is still in process of incorporating and
securing 501c3 status so they can accept tax exempt
donations. Initial 45 founding memberships are pledged,
but the proof of the commitment will come when the group
is incorporated and folks actually have to start paying.
(eg, if you are interested, get on the waiting list).
Lots more detail on their wiki:
< http://wiki.freesideatlanta.org/ >
And you can get more info by attending tomorrow's
Dorkbot event. The DIY synth and DIY site talk
should be interesting as well.
< http://www.dorkbot.org/dorkbotatl/upcoming_meetings/2009_04_08.php >
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Matt Gilbert <matt at mattgilbert.net>
> Date: 2009, April, 07, 9:24:12 AM EDT
> To: Artnews <artnews at pd.org>
> Subject: [ARTNEWS] Reminder: dorkbot-atl tomorrow, April 8, 7:30pm
> at Wonderroot
> Reply-To: matt at mattgilbert.net
> Join the dorkbot-atl announcement mauling list. (Very infrequent
> maulings.)
> If you would like to present at an upcoming dorkbot, contact Matt.
> Wednesday, April 8, 2009
> 7:30 p.m. at WonderRoot (directions)
> Speakers: Travis Thatcher, Scott Driscoll and Beth Milliken
> Beth Milliken
> Freeside Atlanta non-profit Hackerspace
> Freeside is a new Atlanta based non-profit Hackerspace -
> encouraging collaboration and innovation across hardware and
> software disciplines without the constraints of corporations or
> academia.
> Travis Thatcher/Scott Driscoll
> The Voice of Saturn, DIY modular synthesizer and CuriousInventor.com
> Travis (recompas) will demo and explain the ideas behind his Voice
> of Saturn synthesizer system, which has been released and supported
> by Scott Driscoll of Curious Inventor. Travis will also discuss
> general diy practices and tips on getting into diy electronics.
> Scott will demo a lighted touch controller called Stribe, which can
> be used for anything from a touchable VU meter to a scrubbing
> sampler. All the software is written in max/msp and much of the
> hardware is supported by an Arduino board.
> Bios:
> Travis Thatcher has been active in the Atlanta experimental music
> scene since arriving in 2000 to attend Georgia Tech. His interest
> in electronics and electronic music, particularly dealing with
> analog synthesizers, lead him to begin experimenting with building
> his own devices.
> Scott Driscoll runs a DIY kit company called CuriousInventor.com.
> He went to school at GaTech to study mechanical engineering and
> music technology, and has spent his life creating an assortment of
> strange gadgetry, for example, a telnet operated door opener, a
> robot that plays the drums with people, and a play-station to MIDI
> box.
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