[ale] bandwidth competition (changing the subject)

Forsaken forsaken at targaryen.us
Wed Sep 10 05:58:08 EDT 2008

Whenever mysterious things like that happen, my cynicism kicks in.  
I've lost track of the number of times I've taken a call regarding a  
problem, it was blatant what was wrong and fixable from where I  
sat.... so I did it and then played dumb, making the customer think  
they were losing their minds.

yes, I'm a horrible human being

On Sep 9, 2008, at 6:41 AM, Jim Lynch wrote:
>  However they
> never, and I mean NEVER fixed anything.  When a line went out, we
> called, they checked and said they couldn't find anything wrong.  Sure
> enough, the line was fine after that.  I guess their testing cleaned  
> the
> cobwebs out.

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