[ale] Linux server market exceeds 13%

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Thu Sep 4 11:03:48 EDT 2008

On Thu, 4 Sep 2008, krwatson at cc.gatech.edu wrote:

> Linux server market exceeds 13%
> http://www.techspot.com/news/31405-linux-server-market-exceeds-13.html

That's just the ones they know about.

What makes Linux and *nix devices like the BSD powered pfSense,
or TrixBox powerful is people just install them and they work.
No "VAR" to report sales... or $$$$ of licenses to make note of.

I've got a room of Ubuntu, RedHat, Centos machines humming away..
That they don't know about or count.

The amazing point is that's 13% of the
commercial "paid for"/Counted  server market.. Wow.

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